Code of Conduct for Athletic Events - Parents, Fans, & Spectators
1. Provide positive support, care, respect, and encouragement to your student athlete and his/her team.
2. Demonstrate good sportsmanship toward the visiting team, coaches, officials, and their fans. They are our guests and we are guests when other schools host our games.
3. Maintain positive behavior and attitude at all athletic practices and contests.
4. Respect the position and professionalism of the game officials regardless of the calls made.
5. Refrain from the use of foul language.
6. Refrain from yelling criticism at athletes, coaches, teams, or officials.
7. Refrain from making derogatory comments to players, other parents, spectators, game officials, or school administrators.
8. Allow coaches to be responsible for your athlete during practice, games, or team related activities.
9. Assist in providing for your athlete’s safety and welfare.
10. Abide by and support any and all rules, guidelines and policies of our school, Edgewood High School, WCUSD, the CIF-SS and the League.
● Let the players . . . play
● Let the coaches . . . coach
● Let the officials . . . officiate
● Parents and spectators . . . support this event with class, dignity and respect for all.